Tilford's Treats

Tilford's Treats

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Monday and Tuesday

ELA 7: We read chapter 11-14 in Summer of the Swans and answered comprehension questions.
CE 7 T: Last class for our Moses or Abraham board games.
CE 7 C: Last class for our Moses or Abraham board games.  We began our next unit on healthy relationships and practiced for mass on Thursday.
Foods 8 M: We worked on an open book quiz.  We will have our last lab on Wednesday.
Science 8: We started our carnation lab.  I am so excited to see the results.
CE 9: We enjoyed a class potluck together.

Remember that we can wear our Halloween costumes tomorrow after lunch.  My nieces had a Halloween party on Sunday.  Hannah was a leopard and Callie was a pop star. Pretty cute if you ask me. 

I went to Gerry Dee with Miss Wilson on Saturday night.  We loved it!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


 We had some great 3D cell diagrams on Friday.  Caitlin and Kenzie made a plant cell out of jello.
 Brianna and Jenna made a beautiful plant cell from paper and styrofoam.
 Mackenzie and Drew made a delicious plant cell from cake, graham wafers, and M&Ms.
 We had green and white day at school.  I put my fur coat on during our volleyball tournament to cheer up my team.  I will do anything to make them happy.
I forgot my stats binder so I had to use my sub plan book for the weekend.  I thought the saying was appropriate for volleyball. And yes, my sub plan book says "I would rather be eating hot dogs".

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


CE 7 C: The girls worked on their Abraham and Moses board games.  We will start watching The Prince of Egypt tomorrow.
CE 9: The kids presented their bible passage plays and songs.  The inclusion project reflection questions and inclusion prayers are due on Friday.
ELA 7: We started reading The Summer of the Swans.  We got through the first two chapters and will work on questions tomorrow.
Foods 8 L: The girls wrote the safety and sanitation quiz.
Science 8: The girls had their last work period for the 3D cell diagrams.  We start presentations on Friday.

Tomorrow is pajama day and Friday is green and white day.

Holly, Sydney, Brooklyn, Hunter, Layne and Gabrielle worked it on Letter T Day. We were one of the few classes with full participation.  Good job kids.
I dressed as a troll doll but the kids didn't get it at first.  I thought the jewel bellybutton was a dead give away.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Trust Walks

 Lily puts her trust in Hannah and Peyton during a CE trust walk.
 Taryn had trouble trusting Carlee and Reese.  I do not blame her.
 Jordyn followed Jasleen and Keshay blindly down the hallways.  She had no choice.
 Ryan had a great time trusting Alanna and Laura.  She was also working the Hello Kitty night shades real hard.


Science 8: We had a work period on the lab reports.  On Monday we will be working on our 3D cell diagrams.  Remember to bring any supplies you need from home.
CE 9: We did a card trading activity to show inclusion.  Start thinking about your inclusion project you will start next week.  We are tentatively booking a class potluck Thursday October 25.
CE 7 C: The girls did trust walks and we read about Moses.  They started educational board games about God's covenant between either Moses or Abraham.  We will start watching The Prince of Egypt next week.
ELA 7: We wrote notes on elements of a story and created a plot diagram.  A plot diagram on a story we have read in class is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


CE 7 C: We had our last day to work on our Bible timelines.  They are due Thursday October 11.
Science 8: The girls had a planning class for their 3D cell diagrams.  They will have work periods for the diagrams Monday and Wednesday of next week and will present Friday.
CE 9: Briefing the Prime Minister activity on emotion.


 I went to Calgary this weekend with my younger brother and sister to meet our new niece Gabrielle.  She is such a nice little baby.
 Gabs has such big, beautiful blue eyes.
 Here is the baby quilt and crib skirt I made for Gabs.  Michelle said she wished she blogged the baby's room.  Michelle decided she would write blanket and skirt handmade by my sister and someone would post, "You are so lucky to have such a handy sister," and Michelle would reply, "I know," and they would continue to blog back and forth.  The story was surprisingly detailed.  She is a little sleep deprived these days.

 We had to take a picture of the five youngest Tilford siblings.  We passed Gabs down the line so when you scrolled through the photos the only thing that changed was the baby in our arms.  We laughed and laughed.
Michelle said she would punch me in the face if Gabs opened her eyes while wearing my glasses.  Luckily she did not.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


ELA 7: We read the "Adventurous Life of John Goddard" in Sightlines.  The kids composed a list of ten things they would like to do in their life.
Foods 8 M: We baked pumpkin cookies, muffins, and tarts.  They were delicious, and the girls worked great in the lab today.  Remember your sanitation quiz on Tuesday.
CE 7 T: We worked on a bible time line.  There will be more class time next day.

Tomorrow is non uniform with the proceeds going to Kateri House.  We have also started a food drive that will end on Wednesday October 10.

Monday, 1 October 2012

My sister had a baby girl Thursday night.  They named her Gabrielle Evelyn Shaw.  Congratulations Michelle and Liam!