Tilford's Treats

Tilford's Treats

Friday 23 November 2012

Thursday and Friday

ELA 7: The kids read King Tuts tomb independently and filled in a 5 Ws chart.  Today we read Oak Island Treasure Hunt together and researched the Money Pit in the computer lab.
CE 7: After finishing up the Tension Grabbers worksheets, we began 10 Commandment raps.  We went to the little chapel for prayer.
Foods 8: Safety, sanitation, and storage quiz
Science 8: We read about healthy lifestyles.  Remember that the cell/tissue presentations are due Wednesday.
CE 9: We finished up the 10 minute guided meditations and read a little bit about sin.  We will start Advent preparations next week.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

November 19 & 20

ELA 7: We corrected the Fact vs Opinion worksheets and wrote down some strategies to defining words.
CE 7: We acted out skits portraying a loving parent and began some Tension Grabber worksheets.
Foods 8: We made fruit pizza.  It was so delicious.
Science 8: The girls worked on their cell/tissue research.  We will begin presentations next Wednesday.
CE 9: We finished up our 10 minute guided prayers.

I was twins with Nara on Twin Day.  I have to admit we look pretty good.

 We made some awesome fruit pizza in the Home Ec lab this week.  I had to sample everyone's to make sure they were edible.  Sometimes it took many samples to ensure quality.

Thursday 15 November 2012

November 14 - 16

ELA 7: We finished working on our character sketches and they are due Friday.  I'm excited to start our new unit "Mystery, Uncanny Incidents, and Unusual Occurrences".  The students read "Seven Not So Well-Known Wonders of the World" independently and began a chart to record key points from each wonder.  The chart is due tomorrow.  Tomorrow we will do some research on the seven ancient wonders, modern wonders, and Canadian wonders.
CE 7: We are finishing up our "Love Is..." booklet using the family and friends pictures the girls brought.  I am looking forward to starting our Advent projects.
Foods 8: The worksheets are due.  We will correct in class and have a short quiz next week on safety, sanitation, and storage.
Science 8: We finished testing our heart rate yesterday and had a lot of fun doing jumping jacks and running the stairs.  The conclusions are due Friday.  Due to some serious internet problems, our jigsaw learning on cells and tissues has been pushed back.  We will use Fridays class to work on our cell and tissue projects.
CE 9: We have started our 10 minute student led meditation.  These will continue into the middle of next week.  I am impressed with the level of reverence and respect the students are showing.  Keep it up grade 9s.

We finished up "Birthday Week" at my house with my birthday yesterday.  I have a brother, two brother-in-laws, a sister, and soon to be sister-in-law all born at the start of November.  I'm coming down from my two week sugar high and it is not pretty. 

Thursday 8 November 2012

November 5-9

ELA 7: We finished reading The Summer of the Swans and have begun our final project, a character sketch of Sara.  We wrote notes on the proper format and did a sample sketch of Mrs. Ikert. We will be working on the character sketch for the rest of the week.
CE 7: We folded respect boxes and began making a book depicting love.  Please bring in a family picture or a picture of a loving relationship.
CE 9: The 10 minute guided prayers are due Friday and we will start presentations that day.
Science 8: Due to some internet problems yesterday, we will work on the cell/tissue inquiry project on Friday.  The carnation labs are due Friday. 
Foods 8: Mr. Trew will be teaching this class.  We have started with kitchen safety and sanitation.  Our labs will be fruit and vegetable based.

We have parent teacher interviews tonight 4:00 to 7:00 and tomorrow 4:00-6:00.  I look forward to meeting and discussing your child's progress.  Feel free to bring me a snack.