Tilford's Treats

Tilford's Treats

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


CE 20: After 20 minutes of working on the personal creeds due Thursday, the class watched a video on monasticism and wrote some notes.
ELA 8: We finished the text connections graphic organizers from yesterday.
ELA 7: A Dragon's Lament
CE 7: The class worked on their scripture search assigned yesterday.
PAA 9/10: The girls finished sewing mittens from scraps in the home ec lab.

Reminder of Winter White Out Day tomorrow for class points.  Wear as much white as possible!

Monday, 24 November 2014


CE 7: The students searched the class to finish corollaries about God as the perfect parent.
PAA 8: The ladies started working on their instructional sewing videos.
Health 8: The class worked through a Building Health Skills worksheet and started preparing some refusal skits for next class.
ELA 8: Miss Myers, a SUNTEP student teacher, taught a lesson on global citizenship.
ELA 7: We worked through a poem with a focus on word choice.
Health 7: After writing notes on strong character, the students worked on a worksheet.

It's that time of year again...

Friday, 21 November 2014


CE 7: The students worked on some skits about tough parental decisions.
CE 20: We discussed the Council of Nicea and the class started writing their own creeds.
Health 7: After finishing the notes on the goal-setting process, the class shared about a role model of theirs.
ELA 7: We had a wonderful silent reading class.
PAA 9/10: The girls started on some mittens with scrap fabric from the sewing lab.
ELA 8: The class was spent editing.  We will watch the videos together Monday.

Thursday, 20 November 2014


ELA 8: The first period was the last class for the ladies to film.  The last class was spent editing. We will watch the movies together tomorrow.
ELA 7: After answering some questions on "Fear!..." that we read yesterday, we discussed figurative language and similes.  The class worked on identifying similes in the text. 
PAA 8: The girls cut out their sleeve cuffs and waistbands then began sewing the sleeves to the front.  The sweaters will really start to take shape next day.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Wednesday, November 19... Back By Popular Demand

CE 20: We finished watching "A Man for All Seasons" (St. Thomas Moore) and began learning about the Council of Jerusalem.  After watching a short film "The Antioch Incident", the class wrote notes.
ELA 7: Inner dialogues were due today.  The kids read "Fear!..." independently then wrote a one paragraph summary.  The summaries are due tomorrow morning.
ELA 8: The girls worked on filming their 90 second Giver films.  Tomorrow, period one, will be the last class for filming, and period six will be the first editing class. 
PAA 9/10: It was the last day to work on the up-cycling sewing projects. I'm seeing a lot of creative work!